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Webinar EF

The ability to understand and master foreign languages is one of the bridges in the learning process, understanding the surrounding environment (especially in the world), enriching knowledge and establishing positive friendships, especially with foreign parties. Currently, many foreign languages have become a trend in social or academic circles, one of which is English. English is one of the international languages that is often used in communicating, sharing information and expressing an opinion in social interaction. However, the use of a language must be in accordance with the right corridor, so that the delivery and receipt of information can be carried out properly. Various places of learning English have spread in Indonesia, both in the form of legal entities and private. Educational institutions also continue to develop English learning methods to prepare students to be ready to compete in the international world and a bright future.

SMP Santo Yosef Surabaya as one of the prestigious educational institutions has taken an important role in the development of foreign language skills for students. In this case, the school has conducted an online seminar in collaboration with English First (EF). The online seminar with the theme "EF Online Seminar the Importance of Learning English" was held on Wednesday, 15 June 2022, attended by students of SMP Santo Yosef Surabaya from grades 7 and 8. At 09.00 WIB, the activity began with an opening greeting from Miss Ali (EF Staff) and an opening prayer brought by Gracia (grade 8A). This activity was quite enthusiastic and very interestingly packaged with materials explained by Mr. Robby and Miss Ina (EF Staff). The material presented included: Mr. Robby presented the material in slides starting with the questions "Where is your dream high school" and "What has been prepared to enter your dream high school". This question is very important for students, because it is not only what has been prepared to enter the next level of education, but whether they are ready to face great challenges in achieving a brilliant future, especially internationally. The next material explains "Why we should learn English", which is associated with life skills in the 21st century. The explanation of this material is very important, where the beginning of learning a language is the mindset of oneself. If we see learning a language as a support in developing positive skills and abilities, then we will get tremendous benefits. This material is elaborated in several points, among others: The beginning of learning a language. Learning a language must be based on the intention of learning and supported by methods, facilities and supporting infrastructure. 6 common problems in English learning. Problems in language learning are also presented and followed by solutions. Improvement of vocabulary in English language. Some tips are also presented very clearly, in order to enrich the number of words, language styles and the correct use of sentences.Tips for fun and easy to learn English language. English learning methods, both individually and in groups, using print or electronic media are also explained in this activity. In addition, practicing good and correct English is also explained, so that the theory and practice of language can go well.Improvement of pronunciations. Language style in pronunciation is the most important part in the practice of communicating English, so that there is no misunderstanding. The true value of English. The importance of speaking English is not only felt for oneself, but for the surrounding environment. This can motivate oneself to explore knowledge, increase the value of self-confidence and can also help friends or groups who have less ability in English. The online seminar also opened a question session for both students and teachers. This activity went smoothly and successfully, which was marked by the level of activeness of the participants with many questions and being able to answer several questions. The enthusiasm of the participants was quite pleasing, so EF provided merchandise for active participants. The time was already 10.50 WIB, where this activity ended soon and was closed with a closing prayer by student Raya (7B). At the end of the activity, it was closed with the quote "Nothing is impossible". In this activity, we can take some important points, among others: Foreign language is a bridge in all aspects of life in the world, so that we do not live like a frog in a shell. Positive foreign language skills can support our careers in the future. Learning begins with a positive intention from within and can increase self-confidence and identity in the surrounding environment. Correct theory and practice can give good results in understanding and skills in foreign languages. Quote: “Those who know nothing of foreign language, know nothing of their own” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe.Gracia

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